Microsoft has introduced an updated Surface 7 Pro hybrid aimed at the business and educational markets. The new Surface Pro 7+ includes some important updates such as the latest 11th Gen Intel Core Processors, a larger battery for up to 15 hours away from a charger, optional LTE Advanced, and a user replaceable SSD.
The Surface Pro+ externally looks a lot like the Surface Pro 7. Indeed it uses the same sized chassis and screen and can use the same type cover accessories, for example. However, in an interview with The Verge, CVP of program management for devices at Microsoft, Robin Seiler, said the insides have changed “quite substantially”.
As well as the obvious changes like the newest gen Intel Core mobile processors (choose from the Intel Core i3 (1115G4), Core i5 (1135G7), or Core i7 (1165G7)), the bigger battery, and optional LTE Advanced (i5 model only) – the internals had to be flipped to allow back port access to the SSD. As you can see in the video below, a single screw secures the replaceable SSD bay cover.
Picking through the upgrades delivered by the Surface Pro 7+, as compared to the Surface Pro 7, here are the main points:
- Newest Intel Core mobile processors offer up to “2.1 times faster performance,” says Microsoft.
- Bigger battery upgrades battery life from approx 10.5 to 15 hours
- Screen remains the same, a 12.3-inch (2736 x 1824) PixelSense display
- USB-C port, USB-A port, 3.5mm headphone jack, and Surface Connect port present
- LTE Advanced (Snapdragon X20 LTE modem) available with Core i5 model in which the microSD card slot is replaced by a nanoSIM slot
The Surface Pro 7+ Wi-Fi configuration starts at $899, LTE model for $1,149. Check out the four configurations being made available initially in the screen shot above. Buyers in select markets across Asia, Europe and North America can order today for shipping starting from the end of the week.
Incidentally, Microsoft will start to ship the Surface Hub 2S 85-inch in select markets later this month.