With Intel likely expected to release its first dedicated gaming graphics card before the end of this year, there is clearly a lot of anticipation and curiosity surrounding it. Namely, how good will it be, and more so, will it be able to stand toe-to-toe with AMD and, more notably, Nvidia. Well, following a Twitter post by Intel chief architect Raja Koduri, it would appear that he believes that (through a little maths and paraphrasing) that the Xe HPG GPU might at least as good as the Nvidia 3070!
From 2012 to 2021 – same Intel Folsom lab, many of the same engineers with more grey hair , I was at Apple back then, getting hands on with pre-production crystalwell, 9 years later playing with a GPU that’s >20x faster! pic.twitter.com/RgmRJuhOXw— Raja Koduri (@Rajaontheedge) March 12, 2021
Intel Xe HPG Graphics Card
Now, for the sake of clarity, Raja Koduri has not just definitely said that the Xe HPG is going to be as good as the 3070. Reading into what he says, however, the main curiosity is that he says this current GPU design is at least ’20 times faster’ than the 2013 Crystal Well architecture. Something that, when translated into confirmed 3DMark benchmarking results, would suggest a synthetic score of something on par with the Nvidia 3070.
Now, admittedly, the 3070 isn’t exactly the ‘top dog’ in terms of current graphics cards. Remember though, the Intel Xe HPG will likely represent their first gaming consumer dedicated GPU and, as such, if their first outing is potentially this good, it sure does bode well for what the future may hold!
Consumers May Be The Big Winner Here!
With stock levels for both AMD and Nvidia graphics cards currently woefully poor, the market is practically screaming for there to be a viable alternative. And in this regard, Intel has so many advantages. Chief among them is the fact that the company is pretty much self-sustainable in terms of its chipset/fabrication production and, as such, doesn’t have to rely on 3rd-parties like TSMC for stock.
As such, presuming that they can get their prices right, who knows, by this time next year, you might have an Intel graphics card sitting in your PC. One that’s at least as good as some of the best AMD or Nvidia have to offer while, potentially, being available to buy for a fair price and in decent quantities. – I mean, what heresy is this?!